Saturday, 27 April 2013

19. 27 April 2013 - 8 weeks done

Yesterday was the end of week 8 of my Hep C treatment regime.

I'm feeling ok still, kind of ok, the kind of ok where you have a doctor's appointment in the morning to discuss increasing your anti-depressant dose. My head feels bleary, as my eyes are. I can't hold thoughts in the right place, they just slide off centre and fall out into the recesses of my brain before I can work with them. It's frustrating. I feel useless and like I'm always saying the wrong thing. That's pretty much the worst of it though.

I need to sleep a lot; about 10-11 hours a night to feel refreshed. Nightmares have become a regularity. One in which rats sneaked up and bit my face whenever I drifted off to sleep was a low point. I'm hoping that increasing the anti-depressant dose will at least mean that I have happier weird dreams.

I know I'd feel much better if I was sleeping more deeply, but haven't found a solution. I am sleeping, just not well.  The hospital have suggested zopiclone, but I've had it before and it made me feel worse than I feel now. Valerian helps, but I'm nervous about taking it. I looked it up on and couldn't find an interaction with Boceprevir, Ribavirin or Interferon, so started taking it. Then I discussed it with the nurse at the hospital who pointed out that because Valerian isn't a registered medicine it won't show on the interaction databases, and the advice is not to take supplements on treatment. I'm compromising by having Valerian tea rather than the pills - as no one seems to have anything bad to say about herbal tea, only "supplements", perhaps because the active ingredients are less concentrated, or perhaps just because nobody has thought about it.

Yesterday at the gym, my 2k rowing time was about 10 mins 15 seconds - that's not far off where I was when I started, and much better than a couple of weeks ago. I had energy. I had bounce. I had joie de vivre. In my daydream interpretation of my side-effects, this is because the day before was the day when the virus died, and now my body doesn't have to deal with fighting it any more, just with the medicine.

My end of week 8 Viral Loads will support or disprove that theory. They aren't used for determining whether to continue treatment, but the FDA approved package insert shows that in the initial clinical trials, 88% of those with undetectable virus levels at week 8 went on to clear the virus, verses 43% of those where the virus was detectable at week 8. I will get my week 8 results in two to three weeks time - eek!

Other stuff which is a bit rubbish - I spend most nights in the spare bed, not snuggled up with my love. I sleep so lightly and am tossing and turning and coughing etc, that I wake him up, then he wakes me up. We both sleep better in separate beds at the moment.

I'm still severely neutropenic, and the clinic head is still putting off giving me G-CSF to stimulate my bone marrow to produce more white blood cells. Current plan, I have more blood tests on Wednesday, and if there hasn't been an improvement then I get Lenograstim.

I've also managed to persuade the nurse to give me a vitamin D test. In the end I emailed him the papers I'd found suggesting that it's important for successful treatment that your vitamin D, B and A levels are all good. Here are the studies I found:

Can't say I'm all that impressed with the clinic. They seem pretty average.

- don't eat acid food (e.g. oranges, tinned peached) with your Boceprevir, take them with milk.
- exercise as much as you can;
- Aveeno bath/shower oil.

My blood test results so far

Thanks for listening. x

Friday, 12 April 2013

18. 12 April 2013 - Week 4 Viral loads and end of week 6

My week 6 blood test results from Tuesday were a little bit better than my week 4 results. They showed that I'm still neutropenic, but less so, and the clinic head has decided that for the moment we'll keep going as we are.

At week 4 my neutrophil count had dropped to 0.41, and the nurse had reduced the Interferon dose from 180mg to 135 mg. At week 6 it had increased to 0.51.

I'd emailed the nurse, hoping that they would give me G-CSF and put me back onto 180mg of interferon. I was concerned that as I hadn't been responsive to interferon the first time I did treatment, that reducing the dose would impact on my chances of the holy grail of treatment, Sustained Virological Response, or, SVR. I've been feeling a bit more poorly as well, with a runny nose and a sore throat and blocked sinuses. I hoped that with Neupogen I might feel better.

After talking to the clinic head yesterday, the nurse told me this morning that there would be no change to my medicine at the moment.  The clinic head had seen some research (I should have asked for a reference but didn't think) to show that the dosing of interferon was much less important with triple therapy than the old standard of care treatment, and so that reducing my interferon dose to 135mg would have little impact on my changes of cure.

Their "threshold" level for when to act on a low neutrophil count is 0.5, so this week I just came above the threshold. If my neutrophils drop below 0.5 then they will give me G-CSF rather than reduce my interferon dose any more. If it goes above 0.6 then I'll be put back on 180mg.

I wonder whether the timing of the test has any impact. Apparently neutrophils only live 3 days. I have my injections on Friday, so would probably be producing fewest neutrophils on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and so have fewest on Tuesday. If I was tested on a Friday or Saturday morning, maybe I'd get a different result?

I asked the pharmacist if there was anything I could do about the discomfort in my sinuses, and she suggested steam inhalation with Olbas Oil, and that has helped. I don't feel the pressure behind my eye and it unblocked my ear.

Good news with my week 4 virus load tests. 4,785. That sounds pretty good! Unfortunately, I don't know how much of a drop that is, as the hospital lost my baseline tests. Generally my background viral loads have been around 120,000 - 150,000, although they did fall as low 13,000 when I got swine flu. Still, my week 12 viral load was 3,567 the first time I did the treatment, and I'm nearly there already. I think it's the Vitamin D3 which is making the difference.

The side effects from Boceprevir are still very mild. I felt really nauseous one evening, and took an anti-mimetic and was ok. I get a slight taste in my mouth, but it doesn't interfere with my pleasure in eating at all. I wake up wet with sweat nearly every morning, the flu like symptoms are a little worse, the aches and pains and shakiness.

This week depression has showed it's ugly mug for the first time so far. Just that back ground feeling of unease, of not being good enough, of people being not pleased with me. It's complicated by being, quite simply, more stupid than usual; and so being less sensitive to other people's feelings, less effective at work etc.

A new side effect - my eyes are so dry that they cloud over quite often. I will look into eyedrops, no pun intended.

I still feel pretty much ok though. The next milestone is my week 8 blood test. Then I'll find out how effecting adding Victrelis to the mix has been...