Saturday 1 June 2013

35. 1 June 2013 - Impatient!

On Thursday I called the nurse at the hospital to see if my viral load results were back. I knew it was much too soon - they take 2 to 4 weeks and I was calling after 4 working days - but I couldn't resist. They weren't ready, but he did confirm that the lab has the samples.

I'm finding it a struggle to muster the motivation to keep going. I don't tend to put my stickers showing I've taken my drugs doses in my diary straight away, but do them all together at the end of the day. I don't floss every single night like I used to, and my gums are getting sore again. Those are just two little examples. The regime is getting wearing. Getting the results will give me a boost, I think, if they are good.

It's been 17 months since I gave up smoking, but lately I've started to dream about smoking! It's very strange, as I haven't missed it at all, not after the first few weeks. I've got that craving feeling, that there's something I need to feel better. I suspect it's oxygen I'm missing, from the anaemia.

Yesterday was another low day. I got up late, about 10.30am. Then after spending the morning on the computer looking up properties to buy in Spain (my latest hairbrained idea) I went back to bed at about 1pm. I felt so weary, leaden, like I just wanted to be and not think. But, it didn't help. It's Mum's birthday on Tuesday so I should have been out buying her a present. The Ocado man brought the food delivery for the week, and I just put the stuff which would spoil away and left the rest in bags in the hall. I didn't wash up, didn't do a wash. And it was a beautiful day outside.

And then my honey called me and said did I want to meet and sit in the sun for half an hour on his way home from work. So we went and sat on a bench by the fountains and watched the world go by. He'd bought me a cake-sicle, a pretty sticky treat. And we chatted about nothing serious and laughed, and I was better. I feel profoundly grateful that he knows just how to cheer me up, and that I have his love.

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